Thursday, July 28, 2011

What makes a "Good Man".............

What Makes A Good Man: It all depends on where the Bar is set. Some Women have higher standards than others (as do men, this is for men), why? one theory is a Healthy Respect for a good mans qualities, and how to identify them early on. Lets say Mom found a great husband, and Father, and over time mom (unknowingly) conveys to her young daughter through positive reinforcement that dads traits are perfect examples of a Man/Partner! Flip the table, this beautiful picture can also work in the exact opposite with long term negative effects. Example: bad father, bad partner, bad husband etc...mother conveys just the opposite message, I assume leaving the women with limited choices in a partner out of simple fear and anxiety over the whole matter. EVERYONE CHANGES!!!, and everyone deserves a second chance, no ifs ands or buts.....

I love being a man, I love loving women (one at a time), I cant see my life being any different. I knew I loved women at the age of 12, I had this respect for women that most kids my age didn't have for girls, let alone women. Said all the right things that seem to come natural, a maturity that peers didn't get till one friend just recently said "You know, you have always had a pretty girl on your arm since the sixth grade, he was right, again the guy whose girlfriends girlfriends always asked "do you have a brother?". Look, you have it or you don't but you need to get it for your future or current partner. Be confident in everything you do EVERYTHING, be the best you can be at everything, kick your game up and act like you give a big shit about yourself, and everyone around you. Be a Gentlemen open the fucking door to everything, your partner is first AFTER YOU! Are you getting it yet, no matter who your with be the sweetest, nicest you can possibly be, this includes being especially nice to your elders, mother, father, friends and especially the opposite sex. Be who you are, no bullshit, women see right through that, be comfortable in your skin, and women will sense this air of confidence. Their is a person out there for everyone, appearing you have your shit together will attract the opposite sex, that is no bullshit. If you have an edge, tattoos, cool haircut, good looks (i didn't say good looking, everyone has good looks) something that sets you apart from the rest. I personally stand out like a horse, not the size, the air of confidence. "Changing that that hasn't worked helps a great fucking deal". Take some thought into what you are always doing, ALWAYS! You can only be as good or better with your partner when your the best or better with YOURSELF first, GET IT!, I hope so for now.

Gotta go, Mahalo brothers n Sisters! (soon to be Blogging from Beautiful Hawaii forever).........................................





Come-out Come-out Wherever You Are!

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