From the beginning this blog has been an "open forum format" for me, ranging in topics. I will express the who, what, where, and whys about me and my experiences through life. Well, my life has once again become extremely interesting, and would like to use my "Open Forum Blog" to Journal my upcoming Journey called the second half of my life!!! Below is a recent example of my life's WOW factor:
Example, a person whom will go unnamed, out of the blue buys me a brand new car. yes, drops the cash to pay it in full, and we ended up picking out the car I've been researching for 3mos. Yes, me & the family were more than ready for a new car since ours was a 1989 Chrysler New Yorker w/ 100K miles. This car was loved at the beginning, but shortly after purchase, this car would strand me, and land me in the repair shop (for an expensive repair) every 3 mos. As you can see, I have some New Tattoos. These Tatt's were most wanted for 7 years, they cover some scarring on both arms from a barrage of medical treatments. Anyway, they are still brand new (1 week), and cant wait till they are all healed up.
So to recap some highlights:
- Websites are making consistent and Honest Money!
- New Chinese Year of the Dragon & Tiger (Me & my Son) w/ Element Symbols (Earth & Wood) Tattoos.
- Brand new Car
- Moving to Hawaii and adopting a Mother n Law w/ Home
- Clean Air for the rest of my life
Mahalo Readers,